10 Reasons Emotional Abuse is Traumatizing

By Darlene Lancer, JD, LMFT

I share this article because I experienced verbal abuse throughout my life; from several bosses and in my marriage. I found it caused me a great deal of anxiety in relating to people.  In recent years when I mention asbergers some people say I use it as a crutch or they do not believe me.   I find dealing with people stressful and at times just want to be alone. – Greg

The Repercussions of Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse has become more common and accepted in politics and the media. It’s widespread and under-reported, but should not be ignored. It can be more harmful than physical abuse, which is always preceded by emotional abuse. Emotional abuse includes mental, psychological, verbal, and financial abuse. Sometimes it’s overt and easily spotted, such as verbal attacks and threats, but other times it’s covert, subtle, or passive-aggressive.

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