Resources For Individuals With Autism And Their Families

Here are some great resources-Greg

Information about Autism Spectrum Disorders

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A Wife’s Letter to Her Husband with Asperger’s

This is a great article.  I wish my ex wife had the dedication of working with me instead of taking advantage of me. – Greg

My T.D.,

I love you. You are unlike anybody I’ve ever met. I want to continue to be a part of your life, and I want you to continue to be a part of mine. I do not want our marriage to end. I want us to raise our children together and be a family. Most of all, I want us to love each other. Just like the song that played at our wedding, “When I said I do, I meant that I will, ‘til the end of all time…”. But then day to day life played out and we had one disconnect after another. And as more major life events happened, we experienced more and more frustration with each other. I became annoyed when you did not do things for me that I assumed all good husbands do for their wives, like give control of decorating the house over to me, offer me massages, give me gifts on special occasions, or do anything romantic.