Autism & Empathy: Understanding Emotional Experience on the Spectrum

By Sean Inderbitzen, LCSW

I can relate to this article because at times people felt I was cold. – Greg

“What’s Wrong With Me?”

The question of emotional experience in the Autistic mind is one which really struggles to be put to words easily. So let’s visit heartbreaking moment from one of my autistic clients:

The young woman, 30, brown hair, looked at him, lips quivering and said, ”I’m sorry I hurt you and the boys so badly. I’m sorry that all of my shit was taken out of you. I’m sorry for all of it. But I’m not sorry for the good we did have. Because there was a lot of good.” The man, looked away from her eyes, for what was the last time, and replied, “Trauma doesn’t give you an excuse to be a shitty human being. And to me and those boys you were. This wasn’t an accident or a trigger. It was something I suspect you had thought through for some time, and a choice you made at my expense not with Me.” (an untold love story) read more

Late-in-life diagnoses can benefit seniors on the autism spectrum

By Riya Anne Policastro

A better understanding of neurodiversity is leading to growing numbers of people over 50 being diagnosed on the autism spectrum. Roughly a million seniors could be living with autism, many of them undiagnosed, if CDC estimates are correct and adults are affected at a rate of 2.21%. 

More conservative calculations suggest there are tens of thousands of older adults in the U.S. who are undiagnosed. 

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